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21 Days of Consecration

Public·27 Participants

Day 14! Today finishes up the first 2 weeks. Let's keep pressing in deeper and give ourselves to God today and for another 7 days. Today's devo should challenge us as we look at how impactful the Bible is in history.

Ashley Fry
Taysia Malone
Trisha Troiano
Tricia Clouse

Day 13! Today we will focus on studying the word. Yes, it is good to read our Bibles, but we must dive deeper and study it. Remember the study of the written word is us studying the Word or Jesus!

Ashley Fry
Trisha Troiano
Tricia Clouse

Day 12! Here is the devo for today. Sorry for the dely we had some technical issues. If you tried to read it before and could not, now you should be able to.

Trisha Troiano

Day 11! This is the 4th day of week 2. Let's keep pressing into God. As we study today let's remember who has all power and authority.

Taysia Malone

As I read today's devo I really enjoyed the two pictures of the swiss army knife and the fencing. The swiss army knife example stuck out the most. It made me think about the scripture in Hebrews which also says the Word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword.

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

Hebrews 4:12 ESV

Thinking within the swiss army knife context, the sword or Word has multiple uses. Not only is it a tool of defense and attack against an enemy, but it is also a tool we use to help ourselves. Sometimes some things need cut off of us. Sometimes there is soul surgery that needs to be done and as we look…

Trisha Troiano
Tricia Clouse

Day 9! Here is today's devo. Let the word be our guide, not only today but every day of our lives.

Trisha Troiano

Day 8! This week our focus will be on the word! This is our next step in our journey.

Trisha Troiano


    This is the place we will share our 21-Day Devo during our 2...

    21 Day Devo

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