"And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee, and a report about him went out through all the surrounding country." Luke 4:14
Prayer and Fasting
In a changing world that has not been seen until now, it could be said in all honesty that the church world has been quietly guilty of becoming the assumed source of power needed in this hour.
But is that “true”? Or is it more accurate to say, “the church is the doorway to spiritual resources and power, and sad to say, a door seldom used for what it offers.
While it is more than worth the time to follow the effect of a life of prayer and fasting because of limited time, let's hit the extreme highlights with a few issues for Christians to consider.
There is, at least to me, a unique way that the Lord goes about revealing a relationship between these two subjects, different yet acceptable as one. In fact, while we may look at them as one, each is powerful on its own and, at the same time, dependent on the other.
Mark 9:29; and Matt. 17:1-19 gives us a quick glimpse of a relationship to certain areas of spiritual life that if they are separated to function on their own, the answer will not be forthcoming.
Luke 4:14, as well as Mark 1:12-13, is an important place to start. Before Jesus starts His ministry, both Luke and Mark lay out some important points. Points one needs to consider before embarking on the ministry journey and fasting.
These men place great emphasis on the fact that Jesus was full of the Spirit as well as driven. Put simply, Jesus was under the full influence of the Holy Ghost.
Can I afford to ignore such a format for answered prayer?
These passages make it clear that every prayer has a positive path to a special position for a purposeful conclusion while much time can be given. It can well be said that every prayer has an answer. It is the process that determines the outcome.
Yet, at the same time, can we take it for certain that if we put the answer in the same formula, we are assured of an answer? In fact, can I, by the process, have God hear my prayer, and still, I do not get the answer?
In Rome, in an adjoining cell Peter is imprisoned near Paul, he is chained to a post in an upright position for nine months. He gets no answer, or does he? Historians say that Peter won over forty of His captors in this moment of life. In fact, so does Paul, who is known for His pattern of prayer and fasting, who will end his journey with the greatest testimony “ I Have run a good race.”
Other than Christ, what is the common bond between them? Is it the common thread of prayer linked by fasting that those who are given to prayer and fasting will touch the goalpost of power In fasting and prayer.
After a short but powerful description of their lives, we take note of a common thread: the combining of Prayer and fasting.
In this short discourse, is it possible that the church that stands in such a critical point needs to return to its true power source, FASTING AND PRAYER.
Have we forgotten that some things are only changed and moved thru prayer and fasting?
As we finish these 21 days, the question remains, will we be the church the world needs in this hour? Let's challenge ourselves to continue in prayer and fasting so that we can operate in the power of the Holy Spirit and do the will of the Father. Let's take on the challenges this year holds with faith in Jesus! We can do all things through Christ!
What a challenge! Stir me Lord and help me to say yes to your will.
Have your way Lord, Amen.