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21 Days of Consecration

Public·27 Participants

Day 7! Let's take time to meditate while we are in prayer today.

Ashley Fry

Day 6! Praying for others. Let's make sure we are interceding for others when we pray.

Day 5! Being in constant conversation with God is important. Yes we need to have a specific time when we meet Him, but after that we must keep talking with Him all day. That's what today's devo is all about.

Trisha Troiano

I am currently reading a book on radical forgiveness. The author talks about various people who forgave the unthinkable. He compares it to Christ and His forgiveness. The book reveals that often when we are offended we think "there are only 2 options payment or punishment, but Christ offers a different option pardon." As Christians, we are to be like Christ. Lord help me to release those who attack me and suffer the loss myself, pardoning them of there sin against me. We cannot use the excuse, "well that was Jesus" because Stephen did the same thing as He was being stoned. I want to be more like Jesus.

Ashley Fry
Taysia Malone
Trisha Troiano

Day 4! Today we focus on forgiveness in prayer. Emotions are strong things and can drive us and control our lives. If we are not careful they will control us, but Jesus is our Lord. Let's release the to Him!

Ashley Fry
Trisha Troiano

Day 3! I pray your journey is going well, but remember if it is difficult God is doing a work in you and it will not be easy. Thank you Jesus for transforming us into your image.

Here is the link to today's devo on provision. God our Father is providing for us what we need.

Ashley Fry
Taysia Malone
Trisha Troiano
Tricia Clouse


To me this is a hard word for us. We want what we want, but we must submit our will to God's. I know the area were I wrestle with this the most is my time. I go and go and then want "my" time, but it cannot be that way. I belong to Christ and He is my Lord, therefore, I must give him whatever time He asks of me. I continue to pray about this so that I can learn and grow.

What are areas you wrestle with when it comes to submission?

Taysia Malone
Trisha Troiano
Tricia Clouse

Day 2 is here! You can find the link to the devo on our home page or click this link below. Let's enjoy our time with God today!

Tricia Clouse
Trisha Troiano
Ashley Fry

It starts tomorrow! Week one's topic is prayer. All our devos will focus on this topic. I am excited to start this with all of you. As we walk through this time together, I encourage you to post on the discussion board. I you have something specific to prayer for the first week, you can post it here under the prayer topic. Share with us what God is sharing with you.

Tricia Clouse
Trisha Troiano
Ashley Fry


    This is the place we will share our 21-Day Devo during our 2...

    21 Day Devo

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